Category Archives: Sail For Life

SAIL4LIFE 12M Regatta Last Race

S4L 12M Regatta Last RaceThe last race of the S4L Twelve Meter Regatta was quite remarkable. There were four sail race teams on the water, and all had already proven their skill and endurance by surviving a series of no-nonsense qualifying events. The sailors who came to race on July 11 were indeed ‘the best of the best.’ 🙂

Unfortunately, James Munson had to drop out due to equipment problems. (this happens a lot in RL racing too). Please note that James was way out front in Race #1, on his way to a First Place when his boat crashed. He certainly deserved to be in this group, and hopefully he’ll be back next time.

12M Finals Option BThat left only three boats on the water: TEAM WYC-1, TEAM WYC-2, and TEAM PENGZILLA. They were remarkably evenly matched, with each boat winning one of the first three races.

Race Four was the ultimate decider, the final competition that would determine the team challenge winners for 2015. If you were a spectator that morning, you knew nothing could ever be better than this! One ultimate, winner-takes-all shootout. 🙂

The race that played out after the start gun sounded was absolutely fascinating; it was chock full of tactical decisions and daring moves. I’ll talk about the details soon,  but in my last post I promised you a video of Race #4.

Here it is. This is a ‘racer’s cut’ version, with the clips in sequence and attention to the race marks so you can follow the boats as they sail the course shown above. You can also watch a higher rez version of the video on Vimeo. 🙂

Deja Vu Sim Crossing

deja vu sim crossing

Instant Replay

Here’s an interesting issue. When a boat sails into a new sim, it will often suddenly jump back twenty meters or so and then resail that distance.

To illustrate this point, here’s a small outtake from a video of the S4L 12M Qualifying Races.

deja vu2

click to enlarge

I’ve also posted a few frame captures below. In the first image (A), TEAM WYC2 approaches the Finish on a Run, with EUREKA slightly astern. Image B was captured slightly later, when WYC2‘s bow touched the line. You might think the race was over at that moment, but you’d be wrong. As shown in Image C, WYC2‘s boat suddenly jumped backwards a considerable distance; you can even see the boat’s wake in front of the bow. Image D shows the boat retracing it’s path, cutting the line a second time.

If you play the above video again, you’ll notice that Eureka also shows the same, strange behavior. As it nears the line, the boat sudddenly jumps back roughly 20m.

This is a significant effect that could easily disrupt a close race. Did WYC2 actually finish in Image B, or did it finish several seconds later in Image D? So… what’s going on here?

Funny Numbers

I’m pretty sure the problem above has nothing to do with the race line in Breadnut; I think it happens because the boats cross a sim boundary just before they finish.

Sailing across a sim boundary optimally involves a seamless hand-off of data from one simulator to the next, and that process requires efficient communication between server and client. This sounds straightforward but in practice it’s often imperfect, particularly when several vehicles are trying to cross the same border together. I sailed my first SL boat race back in 2006, and on that day every single boat crashed on the sim edge. 🙂 Although many things have improved in SL since then, sim crossings sadly remain a near death-defying challenge for many virtual skippers.

I’ve been sailing the Trudeau 12 Meter quite a bit recently, and it turns out to have very funny behavior at sim borders. Let me show you.

In the figure below, I’m sailing a boat on a beam reach in 15 kn wind. I sailed West in Linkous while taking a snapshot of the display every second. As the boat moves west within the sim, the X- position coordinate on the interface correspondingly decreases.

Linkous numbers

click to enlarge

In the first image above, the boat is at Linkous (+19).  A few seconds later it should enter Van Daemo sim, but instead the interface reads Linkous (-2) and next reading is Linkous (-8). I assume these negative numbers mean the boat is already moving into the next sim, but the asset “handover” is not yet complete. Proof of this comes one second later, when the interface reads Van Daemo (+241), implying the boat is already 15 m into the sim.

This all makes a certain amount of sense, and is hardly worth talking about; however, what happens next totally confuses me. (Okay okay, I admit that’s not hard to do)

Anyway, as my boat sails further west In Van Daemo, the horizontal position coordinates should continue to decline. The first two frames shown below demonstrate exactly that, with X-positions of  (+235) then (+230). However, the third frame below is one second later, and it registers (+251)! In other words, the boat suddenly jumped back a full 21 m !! The boat continues from that point on it’s original heading and with most of the previous momentum. At average rates of speed, I’d guess that will cost a racer roughly 4 to 8 seconds overall every time it happens.

This is the same problem shown in the video at the top of this page.

Linkous numbers 2

click to enlarge

This sudden “jump back” effect is consistent across many grid locations, and I don’t think it is unique to any specific group of sim server candidates. So far I’ve only looked for it in 12 m boats, but I think the problem is likely far more widespread and server-related.

Having said that, let me also add a few more observations:

  1. The effect is present in Trudeau 12 m traveling under engine only.
  2. I don’t see the effect when walking across a sim border.
  3. I don’t see the effect when driving a small outboard across a sim boundary.
  4. I don’t see the effect when sailing Wildwind OP60.
  5. I do think I’ve seen the effect in some Qwest boats, but I haven’t looked carefully yet.

Chaos Mandelbrot (LCC Admiral and SL-Pundit-In-Residence) tells me this issue of ‘bounce back’ after sim crossing is already widely known and it’s been prevalent across the grid for several months. Nonetheless, I can’t find any good discussion of the problem, and I’d love to hear from someone who can explain what’s going on here. 🙂

DilSpi 2

Nber Leads Blake Raft-Up June 15

sailforlife_raftup adj

Nber Medici is hosting a Raft-Up Party this weekend in the middle of Blake Sea to benefit the Sail For Life cancer fundraiser!

When: Sunday June 15, 11:00 – 4:00 SLT
Where: Crow’s Nest (Fastnet Lighthouse)

 Nber says:
The Third Annual Raft-up is here again, almost to the day!
Blake Sea Mayhem!
Dancing! Fireworks!
Tons of all sorts of boats!
Multiple Goings on – you name it!
 G Winz will be in the middle of it all, spinning tunes!
Feature Donation push : “Bid Us Bald!” will showcase
a number of folks, including yours truly!
I’ll see you all there with drink in hand!
So get your floating thing:
a power boat, sail boat, personal watercraft,
surfboard, or a really cool ducky swim ring
and come join us in the center of Blake Sea
for a truly epic raft-up party.  
We’ll have four sims, plenty of open water,
excellent music, and one huge floating party!!!! 
This sounds pretty great! 🙂
raft_014USS Raft-up 2008

See you all in Blake on Sunday!


Memorial Service For Fanci Beebe

in memoriam

This past Sunday, citizens from all corners of Second Life converged on the Sims surrounding Sailors Cove theater for a final tribute to Fanci Beebe.

There were no special introductions or Linden splash-screen announcements; nonetheless more than 110 serious users somehow crowded into two adjacent sims for the chance to pay tribute to Fanci’s memory.

Please join with me in great appreciation to Joy Canadeo, who assisted Fanci during her last year online; Joy was also in charge of the ceremony, and did a wonderful job considering the unprecedented crowds that attended the service.

Let me also offer great thanks to David Wetherby and Chaos Mandelbrot, who orchestrated the post-ceremony Memorial Cruise. The view of all the boats streaming together followed by the fleet in Fanci’s Deep paying their final homage proved truly extraordinary.

I’m also indebted to Anu Daviau, who let me share her copy of the Service proceedings below.

In Attendance

Aislin Keynes , Allian Resident, Ambrosous Core, Amythest Wingtips, Ansaja Guardian, Anu Daviau, Ariel Gallais, Arrwyll Barzane, Augustus Grayman, Austin Shepherd, Barbarella Bravin, BeeJee Boucher, BennyThe Boozehound, Bitterleaf Menges, Bruckner Dreddmor, Captivitas Resident, Cate Foulsbane, Chad Sawson, Chaos Mandelbrot, Charlz Price, Chatbat Resident, CherryBommb Resident, Chess Bishop, Clay Ellison, Cullen Debruyere, Darla Upshaw, Screen-2013-10-29_10-43_resultDavid Wetherby, Deanna Fang, DeyJaVue Resident, Diamond Marchant, Djneko Blackheart, Dolci Woodget, Don Berithos, Don Setzer, Dori Helstein, Driff Beardmore, Drwyndwn Tyne, eleao Resident, Eveline Catteneo, Fearless Freenote, Fiona Haworth, Foneco Zuzu, ForeverSundays Resident, Gaia Rhapsody, Gemma Vuckovic, Gisela Daniels, Gjo Bing, Goku Barbosa, GraceSWF Wrigglesworth, Greythistle Twine, Hannelore Ballinger, Hellsmut Resident, IrishGent Resident, Jane Fossett, Jaylin Wytchwood, Jdgirl1969 Resident, Jean Swashbuckler, Jennifertopgun Resident, Jerit Weiser, Jojamela Soon, Jolene Dereham, Josy Laville, Joy Canadeo, Keneth80 Whitfield, Kentrock Messmer, Kernian Sigal, Kimiko Rieko, Kittensusie Landar, Krys4sl Resident, KrystalLore Resident, LadySmack Gears, Laure Levenque, Lesbo Charisma, Llena Lilliehook, LoganWillow Resident, Lolly Lockhart, LunalindaBranwen Resident, Malate Banufong, Marco2feelgood Masala, Marina Hyandi, MarkTwain White, Mialinn Telling, Mo Xute, Mobiusonemasterchief Infinity, MoodyBlues Mougin, Moonshade Pastorelli, Moontears Vought, Mystery Huntress, Nagash Demina, Nber Medici, Orca Flotta, Patrick Leavitt, Ralfo Rossini, Reverie Boucher, Rich Randall, Rich Reynaud, Riverwelldrive Resident, RJ Kikuchiyo, Roan Blackburn, RoDen Kilian, Rowan Aurbierre, Runa McMillan, SanFroggy Resident, SerenetyAeon Resident, Shannon Oherlihy, Silber Sands, SkyeSunset Resident, Socair Foxtrot, Sommer Shepherd, SteveLL Resident, Steve Yiwama, Sudane Erato, Sundhi Joubert, Sylvi Flores, Titus Tobias, TreMeldazis Resident, TwitchyEars Resident, Twohead Janus, Vadimar Takahe, Wilma Webster, Winnie Sweetwater, Xi Larnia.

[If your name is not on the list, please contact Jane Fossett]

Memorial Ceremony for Fanci Beebe
October 27 2013


Joy Canadeo

Welcome everyone, and thank you for all being here to Honor & Celebrate Fanci.

As I was preparing for this day, I received so many notes , messages, and pictures from people Fanci has touched over her years in SL. I was truly amazed!

When I started as Estate Manager I would observe how firm she was about a hill not being removed, trees not being sent back. At first I thought this was extreme until I looked out over the beautiful estate Fanci & Patrick created and protected. That was when I GOT IT!!


There were times we would be working and she would say “can you finish up here love, I see someone just came on-line who has been ill, and I want to talk to them to she how they are”. She cared so much for everyone.

When we would be in here with our alts getting people into land groups we would laugh and call each other Sybil, because we would forget which alt we were, and the multiple personalities took over:)

The last time I spoke with Fanci on the phone she told me she loved me and finished with God Bless. I am certain she would say the same to each and everyone here. Fanci I love you, and miss you everyday.

Thank you Patrick, Rowan, Drw, Ey, and Rich, & Chaos for helping in creating this day. Shannon Oherily was one of Fanci’s favorite singers here at the theater. She will sings a few songs in her honor… she will not try to move and will sing from where she is on the sim :

(Shannon Oherily sings)

Joy Canadeo: Thank you Shannon.
I would like to introduce our first speaker Sudane Erato Owner of SL New England and Co-Captain of the Blake Sea

Sudane Erato 

Thank you
I’ve known Fanci a long time.
We were owners of supposedly “rival” estates… yes…
both members of the owners group of the United Sailing Sims.
But never with much contact. Sailors Cove went its way…
New England went its way.
We had met… but not much more.
That changed when I was asked to take on the responsibility of coordinating the USS owners group and talking on its behalf with Linden Lab. The absolute first thing that came to my mind was… I must get to know Fanci.


We set up a Skype meeting… we always talked on Skype. We hit it off immediately. That first meeting, we talked, literally, for hours. Please understand… Fanci and I were very different… but from that first conversation, we tapped into something we both shared… something that I’m sure that everyone here will recognize.

Fanci had a deep and profound common sense, and she also had a vast energy to act on her common sense. She bowled me over. Fanci had a huge passion and energy for her community of Sailors Cove. Even when we spoke, I knew she was worrying over someone’s problems that needed addressing.


We always talked for hours… both about the issues we were facing in the USS with Linden Lab (issues which sadly will never be resolved) and about issues in our real lives. About RL, she spoke about only two things. She spoke about her business, attending the craft fairs that she loved so much. And she spoke about Patrick and her love and concern for him. What came out overwhelmingly in my chats with Fanci was an incredible passion for her community here and a profound common sense about the problems the community faced. She truly loved Sailors Cove.

We recognized in each other a shared passion for our beautiful estates, and that passion and commitment caused us to chat long and frequently… we burned up the Skype airwaves. Suddenly she’s gone.

I’m sure I share everyone’s sentiment here. We’ll surely miss her.

I’m very pleased to introduce next my dear friend Nber Medici….

Nber Medici

Thank you Sudane.

Patrick, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Losing Fanci has been terrible for you, I pray that your pain will be blunted by time.

In thinking about how I was going to talk about Fanci today… I started and stopped and started and stopped. It felt like hundreds of times. How was I going to explain how I felt about Fanci?


I was finally drawn to a Bible verse, “Ye shall know them by their fruits”… which is usually translated … You shall know them by their deeds.

So what were Fanci’s deeds? I’ll focus on three.
First, was her commitment to the Relay for Life / Sail for Life effort. She didn’t seek the limelight, but she worked tirelessly and with endless good humor to further that cause. AND she was incredibly successful. She will be impossible to replace. It is SO ironic that she was taken by the very disease that she fought against.


Second, was her work with Patrick in building this wonderful community of Sailors Cove. I have been struck by how many of the residents here have expressed their admiration and affection for Fanci. She truly cared for each and every one, and it showed in her actions. Not only was she good with her residents, but she also was a true artist in designing and building the regions. She has truly built a marvelous place for the residents and I feel blessed to be able to help preserve that as part of her legacy.

Third, is the friendship that both Fanci and Patrick have always given to MarkTwain and me. One of the happiest days of my Second Life was June 28th, 2008 when Union Passage region became the connection point between the United Sailing Sims and the Sailors Cove regions.

Working with Fanci and Patrick to join their regions to those of the USS was a true joy. and our friendship only deepened over the years.

Fanci… I miss you….but I look forward to seeing you again… and hearing your infectious laughter… when I join you on that distant shore.

The next speaker needs no introduction, but he is my long-time best friend, MarkTwain White.

MarkTwain White

Thank you Nber.

My comments about Fanci are going to focus on the last year of her life, and the work that we did together in that time. I could say MANY other things about Fanci, but not many people know about this part of her life.


For almost a year before Fanci was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer Nber and I had many meetings with Fanci as we struggled together trying to solve an issue that was plaguing the Blake Sea. For over 18 months the USS, their leaders, and race directors were challenged by a number of WW2/Modern naval enthusiasts that, for the most part, ignored the peaceable purpose of the Blake Sea which was for sailing first but for the enjoyment of all.

Fanci, Nber, and I struggled on how to deal with this issue without the help of LInden Lab who had abandoned their support of those trying to administer the Blake Sea. Over the course of that time we saw Fanci begin to decline. We did not understand it at the time and we don’t think Fanci even understood, but it was clear that she felt ill and tired much of the time we struggled to find a solution to the problems in those Contested Waters of the Blake Sea.


When Patrick shared with Nber and me the shocking news that Fanci had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and only had a matter of months to live we were dismayed. Both Patrick and Fanci made the decision to sell the Sailor’s Cove estates. They were hopeful that the owners of the USS would be able to purchase the sims and thereby keep Sailors Cove intact. Happily that happened.

This presented Nber and me with a unique opportunity. We were able to take four homesteads and without dislocating any residents re-purpose those four sims into an area we named Fanci’s Deep. Fanci’s Deep is a fitting tribute to a woman who stood for peace. Not only did Fanci’s Deep let us get full rezz turned off in the Contested Waters of the Blake Sea thus ending the WW2/Naval problem, it also provided a home for two other communities: the pirates and the mer community.

The Mer community has responded positively to the presence of four sims a short swim from the Blake Sea suitable to their needs.

Fanci always wanted to see a mer community developed in the Sailor’s Cove sims. Happily that is happening in Fanci’s Deep where Fanci will always have a living memorial to her and three of the things she loved: peace, community, and mers.

Fanci, if I could talk with you today.. I would thank you for your dreams and spirit. By knowing you, I am a better person.

Now I would like to introduce the next speaker: Aislin Keynes, Aislin is a USS owner and longtime leader in Sail for Life.

Aislin Keynes

Thank You Mark.

Nber, so much of what you said reflects my thoughts on Fanci’s commitment to the community and her work with Relay For Life.

I have been thinking for days how I could possibly put into words what Fanci has meant to me and to all of us here in Second Life. When I sat down last night with a box of kleenex to write this my mind was flooded with pictures of so many fun times over the years. The Halloween parties, Mardi Gras, shopping. the days, no… months!, spent working on Relay For Life and the Sail For Life events.

It reminded me of how dedicated she was to others, to the community.

Fanci cared so much about community. Look around at what she and Patrick have created. Sailors Cove is truly a special corner of Second Life. For me, I miss my friend. I miss our late night chats about anything and everything and nothing at all. I know that I’ll think of her every time I look across the strait and see the seasons changing in Little Bear.

Patrick, I am so sorry for your loss. I believe with time that the pain of losing someone as special as Fanci will ease, but she is one that we shall never forget. Fanci, Thank You, I will miss you, we all will.

Chad has also written a few words that I would like to share with you.

Chad Sawson

Thanks Ais…

It is rare that one finds a true friend, let alone a friend in another country. And on top of that finding this special friend in an online virtual environment.


How fortunate we all were to have encountered Fanci Beebe and all that she was. Fanci became a sister to me and I cannot grasp not being able to banter with her now. We spent hundreds of hours working together with Sail For Life. Not one of those hours unenjoyable… Her humor rose above all even during the difficult times. Her dedication and work benefited thousands of people. She was simply amazing!

No one stands out to me more than she did, as a person that always looked to help and support our sailing community. Her eyes were always on the good of the whole and that was reflected by the way she hosted Sailors Cove. She strived to bring the cream of the crop into our sailing community and keep them engaged through the many community outreach activities she did and was involved in.

My heart goes out to Patrick… Times have been and will be difficult for him. In closing, I ask that everyone that Fanci touched…. Take a good look at how she influenced you and your experiences here in SL. And….


We loved you Fanci! Fair winds and calm seas! Farewell best friend…………..

Rowan Aurbierre

Thank you very much Aislin and Chad.

We are going to hear a few words, and a song, recorded for us by Mamaa Saiz. Mamaa was another of Fanci’s favorite singers, and he performed regularly here. Unfortunately he couldn’t be with us today, but wanted to make this recording for Fanci. After his song, we will hear our next speaker, Jojamela Soon. Jojamela was one of the owners of Sailors Cove Theater, and one of Fanci’s oldest and dearest friends.

(Mamaa Saiz sings)

Jojamela Soon

Fanci was my friend. She would throw me carrots and berries and try not to step on me.

All the years are just a jumble to me now, it seems like just yesterday that Patrick introduced her to me, There are too many memories of sailing and beaches and dances and music to share.


For six years she was always there for me, supported me, loved me. But it wasn’t just me. She was so full of love and care.

She was creative, from her art in RL to the art she created in SL, the beauty within her emanated from her and we were the beneficiaries.

She was with me through terrible times and major changes in my RL life and always in touch, even after I left SL, calling and checking on me, keeping me up to date with the news and happenings, encouraging me to come back and visit when I could.


I spoke with her a week before she passed, she called me at home and I could hear the pain in her voice.

She told me of her love for Patrick, of her love of Sailors Cove.

We talked about our families, children and grand children.

In my heart I knew she was saying goodbye and it hurt so bad, but I’m also so grateful to her for that last call. I had the chance to tell her how much I loved her one last time.

Life is not the same, I keep expecting her to call with the latest news. We shared so much of our personal lives outside of SL. I will miss you Fanci my sister, my friend, SL will never be the same for me without you in it.

Thank you Joy, and Patrick who I love so dearly, I wish I could hug you and tell you that it will be ok, it will.

Thank you everyone who contributed to this event. Kentrock my friend, the floor is yours.

Rowan Aurbierre

We will now have a moment of silence for 2 of our dear friends, Fanci Beebe-Leavitt and ChippyAnn Kamm, another Sailors Cove Resident who passed this year.

(…a minute of silence…)

Kentrock Messmer

Hello, it’s good to see so many of Fanci’s friends here.

Fanci was such a happy friendly person her friends list must have been in the thousands. I met Fanci back in 2007; it was the first week I was in SL. I typed in sailing in search and ended up here. After renting a dock Fanci and I talked for a long time.


She told me all about the Sailors Cove and sailing. Fanci was an artist in Real Life and she brought that artistic vision here to Sailors Cove. She was very meticulous about every detail here. This is still the most beautiful estate I have ever seen in SL. Rowan and I have made Sailors Cove our home for 90% of the time we have been in SL.

Fanci made you feel at home here. She built a wonderful community of great people. I was so honored when Fanci asked me to be her Commodore. I accepted because Fanci needed help. We had the FIYC round of the One World Regatta coming up and Epi was too sick to be online.

That first regatta was very stressful, but Fanci was there with a funny comment or a kind word that kept me calm and smiling.

After the racing and race committee meeting was over it was a wonderful feeling to go to Fanci’s after party in full swing feeling like a part of “The Team”.

A lot of people liked to help Fanci because she made it so much fun. Her team could really throw a party! The Halloween party was always her favorite. She went all out on that one. The Christmas party was always beautiful. I think St Patrick’s Day was St Patrick Levitt’s Day in Fanci’s mind. 🙂 Then Valentine’s Day and all the Sail for Life events. Fanci always had a million things going on.

Fanci was very dedicated to raising money for Sail for Life. She put an enormous amount of time into organizing the Sailors Cove and Fishers Island Yacht Club events.

I was always amazed at how successful her events were. The millions of Lindens she raised over the years is quite a tribute to the generosity of Fanci’s friends and this community.

When Rowan and I began helping Fanci with the Estate I realized just how busy she really was in SL and RL. We talked on Skype almost every day. When Fanci logged in she would be getting “Ding Dinged” as she put it with instant messages, so she would log off to talk. It was usually around lunch time, I really looked forward to shooting the breeze with Fanci and “The Kids” her 2 beloved poodles.

We would be talking and Fanci would say hold on I am getting “Ding Dinged by the Kids”, rabbit in the yard or lost squeaky toy or other urgent doggie mater. I miss our talks so much..

Words cannot describe how I miss Fanci.

I am not going to say good bye because I believe we will meet up again in the next life. I think Fanci, Epi, Delinda, Francois and ChippyAnn are there now having a wonderful time.

Now I would like to give the podium to Patrick, Fanci’s long time partner, Founder of Sailors Cove and Co-Founder of Fishers Island Yacht Club.

Patrick Leavitt

Thanks Kent

Thank you everyone for being here. Today we celebrate the life of my beloved Fanci. She loved second life and made many friends along the way. The fact you are here today is proof of that.

It is fitting that we have her memorial here at the venue. She fought long and hard to keep this going and honor what Jojamela had built. She loved music in SL and in fact it was at a Louis Landon concert that we met. We were inseparable from that moment on over 6 years ago.


I cant say it was always easy for us, but we always had plenty of love to see us through. We were in love as much as two people could be which transcended this virtual world. I miss her terribly and I know many of you do too.

She loved to laugh and love. She was an artist in RL and it showed in her work here in Sailors Cove. She so enjoyed changing the seasons and especially the Haunted house at Halloween, and the skating rink at Christmas. She loved her winter holidays.

She kept saying how her life changed in an instant. She would want us to celebrate that we are still living and to make the most of it.

I had a realization while trying to figure out what to say here today. It was that Fanci would not want to be a burden to anyone anywhere. That she would want to go quickly. She did just that.

She wanted to stay and be in world just one more time. Go Sailing one more time, Go Dancing one more time. She loved Second Life and all of her friends here. She wanted to talk to you all one more time.

It is fitting to close with the words from her profile that caught my attention so long ago:

~ You’ve got to work like you don’t need the money ~
~ And love like you’ll never get hurt ~
~ You’ve got to dance as if there’s nobody watching ~
~ It’s got to come from the heart if you want it to work ~

God Bless everyone and thank you for all of your support, love and friendship. She loved us all and saw the best in people, even beyond our Avatars.

Thank you for supporting the Fanci’s deep project that Mark so graciously started. Thank you to the new owners of Sailors Cove your actions were a blessing to Fanci and her family.

I have been blessed with many wonderful friends that really have helped me through some difficult times. Thank you all.

Fanci and I have been ecstatic to have the only real and honorable SL Coast Guard group in SL  join us here on Bull Rock. So, it is my pleasure to introduce Captain Ansaja Guardian who will now take the podium.

Cpt Ansaja Guardian (SLCG)

Thank you Patrick

Admiral Laxness is deeply grieved to be unable to make it here today, and has asked me to speak in his stead.


The passing of Fanci Beebe-Leavitt death is a huge loss, to SL, and to the boating community. She has always been a huge supporter of enjoying the water responsibly, and as such supported the SLCG and our mission of boating safety…

It is our privilege to honor her memory by giving her a salute of respect. We wish her fair seas….

( SLCG salutes )

Rowan Aurbierre

Thank you Ansaja.

I’d like to share a poem I read recently. It is called Sea Fever, by John Masefield.

I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

This concludes our memorial today. Thank you to all our speakers and performers. A special thank you to Drwyndwn Tyne who created this setting for us today. And thank you all for coming. There is a memorial book to the left of the stage, please take a moment and sign it if you wish.

Thank you all very much!

Also, while you are signing, pick up a memorial rose from the basket – we will drop these at the end of the sail at Fanci Deep. You can also pick up a rose from behind the bleachers.

And now, time for the sail!

( Amazing Grace on Bag Pipe)

Joy Canadeo

As a resident said to me recently Fanci is most likely up there saying Stop your crying and go Sailing!!!

(Fleet of 30+ boats leaves for a cruise to Fanci’s Deep)


Fanci memorial 001


Condolence Book
( -7pm Oct 27th)

alis Ildor:   R.I.P

Ardour Allen:   Sincere sympathies from those who knew and admired Fanci for all she did, without the benefit of knowing her personally.

Baldi McMillan:   My thoughts and prayers to all. Fanci touched and blessed so many with Her presence,surely She is at peace and in the care of the Lord. God be with you Patrick.

Ey Ren:   Deepest condolences and warm thoughts in your time of loss, Patrick. ~Ey


Jean Swashbuckler:   Patrick, Fanci has been and will always be in our thoughts and prayers. She was a true friend and mentor. We will miss her deeply. TexasKat and I send our heartfelt best wishes in this time. Our thoughts are with you and Fanci’s family.

Pippa Rexen:   You were like my SL sister. I owe you so much. Peace will always surround your memory. Love Pippa

Rubyleaf Dryke:   My heart goes out to you in this moment of grief and longing. A truly great person.

Timotheus Garnet:   Deepest condolences and warm thoughts to all concerned!

Tim & Kirsten Stormy Panthar:   My deepest condolences to a dear friend. May she rest in peace.

Oona Riaxik:   I love you, Fanci. Goodbye. Play among the stars with Chippy and Hallie. You will remain in my heart always. Bisous!


Dori Helstein:   Love and peace to all that loved Fanci; and to Patrick & her family the strength to carry on. A rare beautiful woman, an angel. Bye friend.

Laure Levenque:   Patrick, Fanci had an incredibly compassionate heart and shined a warm, bright light to all those around her. I will never forget her. May you be comforted and at peace. Much love, Laure Levenque

Mialinn Telling:   My deepest condolences to Fancis family, Patrick and friends. May she rest in peace. – Mialinn

Jon Regent:   Patrick, My condolences. Fanci was a wonderful lady.

Ome Audeburgh:   Patrick, I don’t know you; I never met Fanci – but I do know your pain and I’m so sorry.. *hugs you tightly*

Malate Banufong:   Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message She is Dead. Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. She was our North, our South, our East and West, Our working week and our Sunday rest, Our noon, our midnight, our talk, our song; I thought that She would last forever: I was wrong.

Frangipami Imako:   When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran

Vikeesh Resident:   Chaque fois que je mettrais un bateau Ă  l’eau, j’aurais toujours une pensĂ©e pour le travail inestimable de Fanci.Patrick soit fort dans la vie Ă  l’image du combat menĂ© par Fanci contre la maladie. Elle restera dans nos cTmurs et nos pensĂ©es. Every time I would put a boat in the water, I would always have a thought the inestimable work of Fanci. Patrick is strong in the life just like the fight led by Fanci against the disease. She(it) will stay in our hearts and our thoughts. RIP Fanci.

Roan Blackburn:   Dear Patrick….our sincere condolences. She will be missed terribly. Roan and Don Berithos

Kristen1077 Resident:   My deepest Sympathies. Fanci will be greatly missed. If you need anything please let me know =)

Janusz Quartz:   ”On passe une moitiĂ© de sa vie Ă  attendre ceux qu’on aimera et l’autre moitiĂ© Ă  quitter ceux qu’on aime.”(Victor Hugo) Janusz Quartz

Carmen333 Seda:   May you find peace and solice in this very hard time.. I am happy to have had an opportunity to know Fanci.. she was amazing!!

djneko Blackheart:   We see hope in the morning light Where Her love shines like the dawn. Heaven is the best place where she should rest so worry no more. May God grant you perfect peace., we will surely meet her again, i miss you miss franci

Maurice Minotaur:   Dear Patrick … I was informed with deep sadness that your dear Fanci passed away . I would like to express my condolences and I wish you all the courage to go through this hard time. With great emotion… Maurice Minotaur

Peeter Tamerlane:   I dont know parsonally Fanci… I just like this sims, what give for me peace and fun, beauty and friendships, clear free sky for flying, and heath cleaning water when I sailing here… Soo who is Fanci? Maybe this is she… soul of SL… Thank you..

Leah Kappa:   Patrick, My deepest condolences and my prayers are with you and her family on this devistating loss…she will be missed dearly…Leah

Eon Peterson:   For Fanci, bless her. Such a lovely person and will never be forgotten. Our love, condolences and sympathy to Patrick and her family. Eon and Godiva Peterson

Veritas Raymaker:   Fanci, thank you for the love and joy you brought to our community. May your soul find perfect rest in our Lord. from the crew of the SS Galaxy

Franko Koenig:   My wife and I would like to say you and Fanci family our deepest condolences. She will stay in our hearts and memories for ever. We wish you Patrik the strength for this hard time. We will pray for you. Franko Koenig & Celine Shoreland

Anu Daviau:   My very deepest condolences to you, Patrick, and her Family. “By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered, and confidently waiting, come what may, we know that God is with us night and morning, and never fails to greet us each new day.” Anu Daviau

Mystery Huntress:   Our prayers and condolences to Patrick and Fanci’s family. Fanci was an amazing lady and will be dearly missed. God speed and fair winds in heaven Fanci. ~Mystery and Ambro

Seaplane Jonson:   Deepest condolences for your loss, Patrick. Fanci was a wonderful person, and will be missed by so many.

Sarandel Llewellyn:   Fanci was loved by all.. She will be remembered in the hearts of all sailors.. I wish Patrick and her family the best in the coming days, and you all will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Jdgirl1969 Resident:   i never had the pleasure of meeting Fanci but her work and personality are legendary. i am no stranger to the loss you feel and offer my condolences and sincere love to both patrick and family

Dolphin Dancer:   Fanci will be missed sorely by those whose lives she touched. A fair wind has taken her to a place of peace. Thoughts and prayers to Patrick and her family Dee in SL Anna in InWorldz

Datura Avril:   I’ve never had the privilege of meeting Fanci. Yet, if the spirit of these lands was imbued by her, I find myself wanting. How much more must you feel her absence. With deep compassion,

Datura RlL Bogbat:   My deepest sympathies, my thoughts are with you and ger family. best wishes for a wonderfual person

jes Eilde:   we were very sorry to hear about Famci. Whenever we spoke she was always helpful and polite. Best wishes and condolences

Winnie Sweetwater:   To describe Fanci in a single word, it would have to be caring. She cared about those around her and her community not superficially but with heartfelt authenticity. My sincere condolences to Patrick and her family. I will miss her very much

sundhi Joubert:   Our deepest sympathies, Patrick. Fearless and Sundhi

SkyeSunset Resident:   We are so sad to hear this news. Our hearts are broken. We loved Fanci so dearly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Patrick. Logan & Skye Willow

LucyAL2881 Resident:   If it is irue that we are defined by what we give to others, then we need look no further to find how you should be defined: your legacy is all around us here. One regret only:   that there was so little time for me to know you better. Lucy Reverie

Thanasis Keng:   R.I.P.

Gator Peterman:   When I began to notice you were not much on anymore, I figured you were on a holiday. But when the holiday did not seem to end I wondered what was wrong. I learned what was wrong not long after that. I am sure you are in good hands now, no tears:)

Corie Charisma:   Her candle is Sailors Cove, the flame all those who loved Fanci, carry on her legacy in prayer, thought, kindness. Thank-you Fanci for the hand of friendship. Fair Winds Smooth Sailing & sprinkle a change in seasons over heavens gardens too. 🙂 Corie

TwitchyEars Resident:   A Gentle Soul with a Heart Full of Love. So kind to me and my partner. We miss her much. Our condolences to Patrick and her family. Izzy and Prim

Hades Inaka:   Deepest condolences for your loss, Patrick. Fanci was a wonderful person, and will be missed by so many..Hades Inaka

ForeverSundays Resident:   I miss you…will miss our rl talk the most about kids, and love.. I think youd be happy Justin and I fond each other xoxoox Franci thank you..

foneco Zuzu:   May We be Blessed in Heaven by Your smile and Love as We where on Earth

BeeJee Boucher:   i will miss Fanci, xxx

Fiona Haworth:   Fair Winds Fanci. You will be missed.


Fiona Socair Foxtrot:   rest in peace, Socair Foxtrot

Kent Shippe:   Our deepest condolences, she was a wounderful person, she will live on in our thoughts. ~ Kent and LilleMy.

Kejwla Anwyl:   May you take comfort in knowing an angel is watching over you. Little & Kejwla Anwyl

eleao Resident:   To Fanci, person before, Angel now … well. You may have left us and left this void in our hearts, but the passage of our history that you wrote will be forever, until we meet again to go out to sea, sailing in boats made of clouds, this time without goodbye. Miss you, and see you soon

Drwyndwn Tyne:   Patrick, I wish I could ease your pain. Fanci was my best friend in SL. She was a great lady and an inspiring personality. I will miss her deeply.

Old Bailey:   Few people touch the hearts of so many with their kindness and friendship and laughter. Fanci was one of those few and shall be remembered with warmth and affection. Bailey and Jeanne

Hellsmut Resident:   My deepest condolences to a wonderful friend.

Silber Sands:   My condolence to You, Patrick and all who were close to her. I rarely met a person with such a huge and warm heart like Fanci had. She always showed her deep friendship and love to the people. I wished I could do anything to ease Your pain.

SerenityAeon Resident:   Fanci, we never met but i have seen your beautiful work in Sailors Cove and everyone i am talking to is telling me what a wonderful person you have been. My best wishes on your journey and always fair winds. Serenity

Driff Beardmore:   I will always remember you, with every changing season and each blanket of newly fallen snow.

Krys4sl Resident:   I wish you the peace and continue sailing in the place where you are now. Thank you for all.



Sail4Life Kudos


After several months of Crowds, Kiosks, Cruising, and Competition,  the major fundraising events of Sailing4Life came to a final climax with the July 13-14 RFL Weekend celebration.

Please give a rousing WOOT for the 2013 Sail4Life/ Relay For Life Team! Here they are~~~

Chaos Mandelbrot, Team Captain
Fanci beebe, Co-Captain
S4L 2013 auction 11Aislen Keynes
Allie Tomsen
Armano Xaris
Bitterleaf Menges
Caf Binder
Charlz Price
David Cani
Diamond Marchant
emillie placebo
fiona haworth
hay ah
S4L 2013 auction 10jane fossett
kentrock messmer
kittensusie Landar
mialinn telling
nber medici
om charron
RJ Kikuchiyo
Vickie Maidstone

S4L’s camp installation on RFL SPIRIT and RFL REFLECTION was rather fantastic. The classic maritime build re-created New York’s Fire Island lighthouse, surrounded by open grassy spaces and traditional wooden docks that looked out on a full sim of sailable water.

s4l 2013 camp 03a

The design was beautiful in its own right, but it also served as the backdrop for a boatyard-full of great yachts and finely-crafted maritime items, all donated by the wonderful artisans of Second Life. Any sailor could pick up a trailer-full of great gear by simply dropping a bid at one of  several dozen kiosks on the sim. And of course, all the proceeds went to the American Cancer Society.

Major kudos gotta go to RJ Kikuchiyo  for his vision and masterful design for the installation.  Diamond Marchant also took a major role arranging the displays, communications, and sailing regi0n, and the RFL judges gave Diamond the Third Place Award for Design!  Woots!!

But the biggest applause this year goes to all the great sailors, estate owners, and builders that supported S4L. The whole community joined in to help make the fundraiser a great success.  Thank you!

S4L 2013 camp 01


Sail4Life Weekend

S4L 2013 campRelay For Life will top off this year’s fundraiser effort with the Annual Relay Weekend on July 13-14. The RFL sims will open at 10:00 am SLT on Saturday, and there’s a huge program of events planned by all the different SL teams.

RFL sims  You can get a copy of the event schedule here.

The sim map for RFL weekend is shown on the right. A continuous walking track winds its way through the campsite exhibits, and visitors can dedicate luminaria to loved ones along the way. The Sail4Life team is camped in the Northwest corner of RFL SPIRIT sim, extending into RFL REFLECTION sim.

The theme and centerpiece for the build is RJ Kikuchiyo’s Fire Island Lighthouse (see the header image above). It’s a truly wondrous build with a beacon that dominates the RFL skyline for a great distance, and it reflects the spirit of the whole SL Sailing community. The Fire Island build is accurate, detailed and unique, and RJ’s donated it to Sail4Life as part of this year’s silent auction.

S4L 2013 auction

Speaking of the auction, you’ll find silent auction posters all over the lighthouse grounds, and a host of winable boats filling the docks too. Be sure to bring your wallet; there’s a lot of great stuff up for bid this weekend! If you want to see the list, go to the Sail4Life team page and click on the “Auctions” tab. 🙂

s4l 2013 camp 03

The auction will be over on Sunday July 14 at 11:00 AM SLT, so be sure to get your bids in early or you’ll miss out!

t12 s4l

Taku and Jane at S4L 2012

And while you are trying to decide what to bid on, don’t forget Sail4Life is also holding a marathon sail in RFL REFLECTION sim. The sail is a tribute to all the RFL participants who will be walking the length of the simset over the weekend.

If you’d like to be part of the continuous marathon sail, you can sign up for a timeslot here and then rez any boat you wish from the Sail4Life dock.

S4L 2013 camp 01

See you at the Sail4Life Camp!!


Second Sol Round One

SecSol beginsKudos to everyone who sailed, hosted, and helped staff the five timeslot events and twenty race heats of Second Sol Round One. Next weekend we’ll do Round Two, and then combine the scores to pick the Finalists who will sail for the Second Sol Championship on June 23.

Here’s a summary of the point totals so far, using Standard, Low-Point Scoring under Appendix A of the Race Rules.

Round One

Click to enlarge

SS RndOne1800 263

Remember, the boats will race again on June 21-22, and the final scoring will only count each team’s top four races.  In case of a tie, we’ll use Appendix A 8.1 and 8.2 to break the tie to get five Finalist boats to compete for the championship in North Sea on June 23.

SecSol Jun14 1230

image courtesy of Dil Spitz!


Second Sol 2013 begins June 14


The Second Sol Regatta begins Friday June 14. Twenty teams of sailors will compete in two rounds of qualifying races, broken into five different time slots to accommodate the large size of the entry fleet. Round One is June 14 – 15, and Round Two is June 21 – 22. The winners of the timeslot races will then meet for a Final regatta shootout in North Sea on June 23.

Here’s the list of team leaders and team names with their sail numbers and their Round One group assignments.


FRI 12:30 NYC/ Atlantic
013 JoyofRLC Acker — FIYC 1
012 Pensive Mission — DYC Mowmows
002 Diamond Marchant — NYC1
008 EmmanuelMara Resident — MSRSC TeamDM

SAT 09:00 North Sea/ Breadnut
003 lesbo charisma — Team Arimto
006 ariel gallais — Moon’s love cats
020 Us Vemo — Kingfisher
018 Mami Charmann — WYC1

SAT12:00 TrYC/Farragut
007 Allie Tomsen — Seafarers
011 Sara Solo — Sea Lions
019 Bear Silvershade — Shadow Seekers
009 Ronin Zane — Grumpy Old Men Yacht Club

SAT 15:00 DYC/ Queequeg
021 KalEl Tryce — Bistro on Blake
014 Aquarius Paravane– Echo Beach Bums
004 SerenityAeon Resident — Blue Marlins
005 Victor Cruiser — Wind on face

SAT 18:00 FIYC/ Plum Gut
015 Alain Gloster — Eureka
010 Chaos Mandelbrot — Penguin Racing Team
017 SachBee Resident — WYC2
001 Arrekusu Muramichi — Kazenojin Seiringu

Here are charts for each of the five timeslots in Round One. (Note: North Sea has two additional charts that may be used at the RD’s option).

On June 21-22 the fleet will sail the second half of the qualifying series. I’ll post the details for Round Two on Monday!

patch practice

Second Sol 2013: Patchogue II Practice Boat Vendors

Waypoint patchogue 2009

The S4L Second Sol Regatta is just two weeks away!

As most sailors already know, Second Sol 2013 is a Sail4Life fundraiser regatta that will hit the water June 14-23.  Over two weekends, teams of 1-4 sailors will race in new Trudeau Patchogue II sailboats, graciously donated by Jacqueline Trudeau.

So far there are sixteen teams signed up to compete (that’s a lot!), but at sailors’ request I’ve added a new timeslot to accommodate the tardy teams that forgot to register. 🙂 There are still a few race slots available!

If you want join this fun event, here’s the signup page:


When you register:

— you’ll get a free Patchogue II sailboat,
— you’ll be part of one of the largest, most fun sail events of 2013,
— everyone on your team will get a goody bag full of wondrous stuff (I picked it out myself 🙂 ) and…
— through Relay For Life you’ll support the largest independent cancer research initiative on planet Earth.

So come sail Second Sol with us; for a few hours you can match wits with your friends world-wide, and at the same time support a global initiative to cure cancer in our generation. You have something better to do? 🙂

Practice Boats

The race boats have already gone out to the team leaders for the first sixteen boats. For all their crew who want to practice on their own, we’ve set up two Patchogue II Demo Dispensers. One is at the Trudeau Yacht Yard, and the other is on the dock at Danshire Yacht Club in Knaptrackicon.

practice vendors

More Info

If you decide to race, crew, or just come and watch the Second Sol Regatta, please also join the S4L 2013 Regatta group in-world for more details. You’ll need to use that tag to get a practice boat too.

Also, the race teams should now start following the SEC SOL 2013 REGATTA THREAD on In the next few days I’ll post all the timeslot teams and additional race info.

Patch II

Woodstock 2013 Draws Huge Crowd

woodstock2013 004Kudos to Bennythe Boozehound, Runa McMillan, Charlz Price and Fiona Haworth for the wonderful Woodstock event on June 1 to support Sail4Life. Woodstock was a fantastic day-long concert and party that recreated the 1969 Woodstock Festival, featuring an incredible soundtrack mixed by Benny.

yasgurs farmCharlz and Fiona staged the event on a separate region (Yasgurs Farm)  rented for the occasion. They put in a huge effort to make the concert area and surrounding sim a suitable flashback setting for the sixties music.

woodstock2013 ChazThe result was pretty amazing. The original Woodstock Festival in 1969 became legendary when 450,000 young people descended on Yasgur’s farm for the event. That number was nearly ten times what the event planners and local townspeople were expecting. 🙂

Well, yesterday it happened again in Second Life! Beginning Friday night, people started to flood into the sim, ‘camping over’ until the concert started on Saturday. That turned out to be a pretty smart move, since the moment Benny stepped up to the mike to get the show underway, the sim hit max capacity. 🙂

For the next twelve hours there were 80-90 avatars down on Yangur’s Farm, and it was nearly impossible to get in! (kudos go to Kal for piping the audio feed into Blake Bistro, to keep the restless crowd from storming the gate). 🙂

After a day of trying, I finally did wedge my way into the sim and caught the last two hours of the show.  It was totally groovy. 🙂

woodstock2013_005Great job Benny, Runa, Charlz and Fi!